Michelle from Perfection Health and Beauty Country and Western in the woods

Weekly Portrait #12 – “People I now know” (Working Title) – Michelle

Weekly Portrait #12 – “People I now know” (Working Title) – Michelle

Michelle from Perfection Health and Beauty – County music fan who very bravely withstood 3℃ temperatures in the middle of a wood for theses shots! Thank you!

Drop me a message if you’d be interested in being a sitter/victim.

For those of you who missed my other instalments or are new to my site, I have set a challenge of shooting a self-initiated portrait every week for this year. You can find them here My Diary. It’s a deliberately broad brief started under the working title of “People I know” already renamed “People I now know” I’m looking forward to the journey, not knowing the destination.

I’d also like to hear your thoughts, please comment on my Facebook Page here:RupertBarker Photographer on Facebook

Michelle from Perfection Health and Beauty Country and Western in the woods

Michelle from Perfection Health and Beauty Country and Western in the woods

Michelle from Perfection Health and Beauty Country and Western in the woods

Michelle from Perfection Health and Beauty Country and Western in the woods

Michelle from Perfection Health and Beauty Country and Western in the woods