Fantastic and busy few days! Thursday drive up to Cambridge for the beautiful wedding of Harriet and Ant on Friday (photographs to follow, I took the 5d3 for a change, and I refuse to rush edit away from the studio!)
Saturday was a day of friends and family, fun and laughter. Oli, Tash, Ella and Izzy the Rupert, Clare, Tilly and Belle, and finally time with Auntie Gaye, Uncle John, Louis and Granny. And stinky Murphy!
A weekend spent at Queen Anne Lodge soothes my mind and allows a wonderful ‘checking out’ from the crap that surrounds everyday life and fills it with crap of wonderment and joyous entertainment, truly a sanctuary that I am lucky enough to run away too whenever I have needed it.
John Holder (Uncle John to me!) with his #dogwalktherapy buddy Murphy hanging out at the logging copse. Proper country pursuits, wish I lived closer. Love you all.