[gmedia id=62]Venture Portraits: I left London in 2004 and returned home to Wiltshire I started shooting family portraits for the Venture studio in Malmesbury – shooting family photographs 5 days a week gave me a great eye opener into the world of family portraiture and also made me understand where an individual can make the process so much more personal and transparent. Which leads me to were I am today and possibly why you are reading this!
Brands Hatch: I was the staff photographer at Brands Hatch photographing experience days both on the track and the rally course as a daily event with track days and proper racing when they were on the circuit. Having full access to the circuit whenever I needed it really was a treat for me as a petrol head and motorsport fan.
Foxtons: Architecture and building have long been a personal interest of mine – Kylie will bear testament to me knocking down walls in our house only weeks before Tallulah was born! I raced around London in the obligatory Green Mini Cooper photographing house for sale and rent for Foxtons, this was real high pressure job battling the traffic of London to deliver images on time – this was also the first time I shot exclusively digitally, before this film and transparency were dominant.
LAT Photographic: After graduating with a first class degree from Middlesex University I started working for LAT Photographic. Part of Haymarket Publishing, LAT is their motoring and motorsport photographic agency and archive. I started as an archivist, spending many hours studying both the latest photographs coming in from Grand Prix’s around the globe and also classic and vintage images – this taught me a lot, you cannot look at the work of some of the greatest motorsport photographers work for hours on end without taking just a little on board. It also gave me the opportunity to travel to Cyprus, Finland and Wales to photograph the World Rally Championship, meeting and photographing some of my idols.