I actually shot these images in late September…but never posted them, I seem to be suffering a crisis of creative confidence right now.
I guess its not surprising considering the year we’ve all had and how hard everyone in the creative industries have been hit, and I might have another blog post exploring this more…..

But back to the here and now and I wanted to put together a post to say a huge Congratulations to Louis Harvey on his achievement in becoming the Junior TKM 2020 British Kart Champion…….

We shot these at M4 Karting just outside Malmesbury, thanks for letting us borrow a corner of your carpark!

I’m delighted to have been able to shoot Louis twice in, very different styles and I would love to use this moment of celebration to say I want, in fact I need, to be shooting more portraits for this project and to put it out to you all to connect and lets see what we can make, not too much thought just a wish to return to the original plan for this body of work…..

I’m now hunting for new subjects for this portrait project, so if you are or know someone who you’d like to see me photograph, please get in touch. Everyone is a story, it just needs a picture…

I’d love to hear what you think of the images, as always the easiest way is to comment the post on my page…..RupertBarker Photographer
Thanks, Rupert.